US 58 in Danville and eastern Pittsylvania County serves multiple functions. Commuters use it to travel to Danville from western Pittsylvania and Henry Counties. Trucks use it for regional freight movement. Residential properties and entrances are located directly on it. More frontage parcels along US 58 could develop in the future, with requests to add more entrances on this principal arterial.
The Route 58 West Access Management Study examined an 11-mile segment of US 58 whose crash history shows a prevalence of rear-end and angle crashes at intersections and commercial entrances. The spacing of access points does not meet VDOT’s requirements along most of the corridor. The purpose of this study is to implement a standard of access spacing to help maintain roadway capacity, minimize crash potential, ensure reliable travel times for the movement of people and goods, and identify optimal locations for new entrances and intersections to inform future development requests.
In this study, EPR identified access spacing deficiencies, analyzed existing and projected traffic conditions, examined crash data, and confirmed the identified issues during a site visit. EPR developed recommendations to address safety issues and address existing and future access needs.
Recommendations include closing median openings, implementing Restricted Crossing U-Turns, reducing the posted speed limit, and other improvements to minimize conflict points at intersections, lessen the access spacing deficiencies, and reduce the severity of crashes. Locations for future access points are also identified to preserve arterial capacity as growth occurs.