Old Dominion Village is a development project in Crozet, VA that requires a rezoning application. During the site plan review, VDOT requested information on the development’s trip generation, turn lane needs, and proposed entrance conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual. EPR conducted an entrance study for the developer, Design Builders & Remodelers, LLC, to provide the requested calculations and analysis.
EPR calculated the entering and exiting daily weekday and AM and PM peak hour trips that the new residential units would generate in accordance with the methodology of ITE’s Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Using VDOT annual daily traffic data and readily available peak hour turning movement counts at a nearby intersection, EPR determined the traffic volumes on the main road that would serve the new development and distributed the anticipated future trips accordingly.
EPR performed a turn lane warrant analysis for the proposed entrance and compared the spacing of the proposed entrance to VDOT’s minimum spacing standards.
EPR also conducted a field review to observe existing conditions at the proposed site entrance, confirm the locations of nearby entrances, confirm adjacent land use activities, and note observable sight distance and other issues. EPR prepared the findings of the study in a memo.