EPR, P.C. led a team of engineers and planners to assess parking needs and strategies for the Town of Haymarket Virginia. The effort included an inventory of parking and utilization study on both the weekday and weekend periods. Recommendations were provided regarding parking requirements by land use type, shared parking opportunities, distribution of parking type by zone and blockface, and an overall planning framework for integrating the Town’s vision for walkability with parking strategies. The study effort included conducting focus group sessions with local business owners and developers. The study culminated in draft ordinance for the Town to adopt. EPR presented the findings to the Planning Commission and the plan was endorsed and sent to Town Council for adoption.
Following the parking ordinane update effort, EPR conducted an analysis of the Town’s signing ordinance. The effort entailed reviewing the existing ordinance, reviewing ordinances from similar towns and cities, interviewing stakeholders, and proposing context sensitive modifications as needed to modernize and update the ordinance.
Brian Henshaw, AICP
Town Manager