EPR is working with the City of Charlottesville to redesign Emmet Street as a complete street that accommodates users of all ages and abilities. Emmet Street is a key gateway to the community and the University of Virginia. The state of Virginia awarded Charlottesville with $12 million in Smart Scale funding to design and construct improvements to the street, including bicycle lanes, a shared-use path, bus shelters and consolidated bus stops, new pedestrian signals and handicapped-accessible crosswalks, and landscaping. The project will result in a street design that works for all users, creates a beautiful and inviting gateway to our community, and is safer for everyone.
EPR is a sub-contractor on the project to Clark Nexsen. EPR’s role is to conduct traffic analysis and design, stormwater design, public involvement, and multimodal analysis and recommendations. EPR is also managing the project website (www.emmetstreetscape.com). View a YouTube of the May 2018 Walking Tour, an activity designed as part of the public involvement effort.