Town of Altavista, VA – Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
As part of an overall town-wide open space, recreation and connectivity effort, EPR developed a bicycle and pedestrian plan for the Town of Altavista in Central Virginia. The Town of Altavista is realizing its full potential as a desirable small town with a rich mix of community facilities, parks and open spaces anchored by its location on the scenic Roanoke River. As part of this effort, the Town engaged LPDA to complete a parks and recreation master plan and EPR to conduct an overall assessment and recommendations for connecting key recreational amenities and important destinations throughout the town with a safe, functional and attractive network of bicycle and pedestrian ways.
Through extensive public involvement and citizen workshops, EPR was able to draw a clear picture of where townspeople biked and walked today – and where they would like to be able to bike and walk safely tomorrow. The final plan was acclaimed by both the Town Council and townspeople as a vital piece of Altavista’s future re-envisioning as a center for business, tourism and recreation in Central Virginia.