EPR conducted a bike share study for the City of Winchester in 2020. The study was sponsored by the Winchester-Frederick Metropolitan Planning Organization (WinFred MPO) and was conducted in close coordination with the City of Winchester. The study examined bike share systems in peer regions, analyzed the feasibility of bike share in Winchester, developed recommendations for improvements to the City’s bike network, and created a bike share implementation plan.
Suitability Analysis
EPR developed a methodology for estimating the demand for bike share trips in different parts of Winchester. This process factored in population, jobs, attractions, existing bike facilities, and ground slope to calculate a bike share suitability score for a half-mile grid over the City. The result of the suitability analysis informed the system planning effort and guided recommendations for station placement and implementation phasing.
Bike Share System Plan
EPR created a bike share plan for Winchester. This plan included recommendations for an operating model, bike and station technology, station locations, fleet size, and phased implementation plan. EPR developed a detailed cost estimate that included capital and operating costs for the first five years of system operation.